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Find new capital deployment opportunities

Access a growing marketplace of diverse emerging and established funds that can provide targeted asset exposure or bundled, uncorrelated returns.

Discover new managers

A whole new set of investing opportunities in new and established funds, made available via Repool.

Achieve broad diversification

Funds on Repool span diverse asset classes, strategies, and uncorrelated return profiles.

Gain cutting-edge exposure

From crypto stablecoin farming to collectibles, enter a whole new set of possibilitles.

What we’re doing

Helping the next generation of fund managers emerge

Finding new, promising capital deployments is a challenge. By reducing barriers to entry, we’re helping to create new opportunities to invest for institutions and firms.

How It Works

Invest in experienced investors, traders, and VCs, easily monitor performance, and adjust your investment over time as you see fit.

Step 1. Access Repool’s fund marketplace

Step 2. Evaluate the fund

Step 3. Invest and manage via Repool

coming soon

Investing Overview


Minium commitment:


Repool fees

.15% of invested capital per year

e.g. $500,000 = $750/yr


Entity accredited investor
or qualified purchaser
depending on the fund.

Natural Person

Minium commitment:


Repool fees

.2% of invested capital per year

e.g. $50,000 = $100/yr


Natural person accredited investor
, qualified client
, or qualified purchaser
depending on the fund.

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...or have other questions for us?


Repool, Inc. (“Repool”) serves as an administrator to various pooled investment vehicles.  The content on this site, or any associated distribution platforms and public Repool online social media accounts, platforms, and site (collectively, “Distribution Channels”), is provided for information and discussion purposes only, and should not be construed as or relied upon in any manner as legal, business, tax, investment, or other advice. Repool’s services and information available on Distribution Channels are not a substitute for third-party professionals (including properly licensed and/or registered lawyers, brokers and tax professionals), and you should seek your own professional advisers, including legal counsel. Repool is not licensed to provide legal advice and is not registered as a broker-dealer or investment adviser, and Repool is not otherwise licensed or registered.

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Laws and regulations applicable to the sale of securities, forming pooled investment vehicles (including private funds), and investment management (including serving as an investment adviser or commodity trading advisor) are complicated and occasionally ambiguous. Relevant law may come from the state, federal, or international level, and you may be under the regulatory oversight of one or many regulatory bodies such as, but not limited to, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. It is your responsibility to ensure that, when forming, offering interests of and managing any pooled investment vehicle, whether supported by Repool’s administrative services or not, you are in material compliance with applicable laws including obtaining any and all applicable licenses, permits, registrations, memberships, and approvals that are required in order to form, offer securities of and manage such pooled investment vehicle.  You should not rely upon Repool in making any such determinations or as a replacement for licensed, third-party professionals.

Building the future of fund services

© 2024. Repool, Inc.